Saturday, March 26, 2022

Daily Painting once a Week Continues!

Lots of learning! The e would have had a crisper background on a smoother surface and F would have been more what I had in mind on the canvas one. Trying to get the F as I wanted it lost me the original plan of making it look very equal with either F right-side-up.

I started out thinking I would be doing quick palette knife paintings and learn a lot about using them, but I keep designing things that need brushes. So I played with a small knife on the F’s when I wasn’t liking them anyway. I’ve considered taping a note to the back of each one with all the things I would change or do differently …

Sunday, March 13, 2022


Deliverer, and a relatively simple design. practice with balance, shifting values, fine writing with paintbrush. i'm liking canvas' texture for having more color interet from bits of others showing through. I'm pleased at the daily small painting concept's success in enabling me to use small bits of time and actually finish things (even though they are imperfect, it's easy to tell myself that's OK as I am doing them to learn)

Saturday, March 5, 2022

I already forgot I started putting these on the blog…

 Weeks two and three! I’m really happy that I’m actually doing one per week -- and I’m almost done with a couple more, so if life gets too busy I have some leeway without losing my goal. I think after spending nine months last year on a very complicated and large piece (that didn’t make it into the intended show), this is really helping me enjoy learning more about painting. 

Beloved Son

And week three, Creator.

There are plenty of things I would do differently or even fuss with fixing, except the idea of daily painting (even if I'm doing weekly) is to do them quickly and not stress or fuss but move on and learn. I can always paint over them some day if I feel like it or go back and touch-up when I want to. Some of them looked better halfway through than "done", part of the education ....

Meanwhile it fits really well with our current schedule - I can do pencil work for designs during slow times in the office. I even used the x-acto that happened to be in my desk drawer when we got our office spots to cut a stencil for Creator (using letters I designed based on Julie Wildmans' "The Inside Curve" class I did during covid lock-down, thanks Julie!). I can use short bits of time easily to tone the little canvas board or paint a bit, etc. I even have kept bits of palette paper in an air-tight watercolor palette I got so I can more easily use a bit of mixed paint another day.

Meanwhile I can consider what we were told recently in a devotional - that taking the upon us the name of Christ means (among other things) taking on or developing His characteristics. So Creator fits right into this project :)

One downside is that I assumed I would work with palette knives mostly - to be quick and to learn more about using them, but I keep planning things that need to be done with brushes and I only have some cheap ones. 

If anyone happens to know something I could use for Q, X or Z, feel free to let me know....